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Laidemitt, M.R., A.M. Gleichsner, C.D. Ingram, S.D. Gay, E.M. Reinhart*, M.W. Mutuku, P. Oraro, D.J. Minchella, G.M. Mkoji, E.S. Loker, and M.L.Steinauer. 2022.  Host preference of field-derived Schistosoma mansoni is influenced by snail host compatibility and infection status. Ecosphere e4004.

Yu, A.*, J.T. Vannatta, S.O. Gutierrez, and D.J. Minchella. 2022. Opportunity or catastrophe? effect of sea salt on host-parasite survival and reproduction. PloS Neglected Tropical Diseases 16(2): e0009524.

Gutierrez, S.O., D.J. Minchella and X. Bernal. 2022. Impact of selective predation on host-parasite coevolution. Oikos (in press).

Carpenter, S.A.*., J.T. Vannatta, and D.J. Minchella.  2021. Host exposure history and priority effects impact the development and reproduction of a dominant parasite.  International J. Parasitology 51 (11): 935-943.

Vannatta, J.T. and D.J. Minchella. 2021. The influence of parasitism on producers and nutrients in mesocosm ecosystems. Food Webs 28 (2021) e00204.

Davis, A.A*., J.T. Vannatta, S.O. Gutierrez, and D.J. Minchella. 2021. Lack of host reproductive trade-offs associated with fecundity compensation response to parasitic castration. Journal of Helminthology (in press).

Vannatta, J.T., T. Knowles*, D.J. Minchella, and A.M. Gleichsner.  2020.  The road not taken: Host infection status influences parasite host-choice. The Journal of Parasitology 106:1-8

Gleichsner, A.M., K. Reinhart*, and D.J. Minchella. 2018. Of mice and worms: are co-infections with unrelated parasite strains more damaging to definitive hosts? International Journal of Parasitology 48:881-885.

Vannatta, J.T. and D.J. Minchella. 2018.  Parasites and their impact on ecosystem nutrient cycling.  Trends in Parasitology 34(6): 452-255.

Gleichsner, A.M., K. Reinhart*, and D.J. Minchella. 2018. The influence of related and unrelated co-infections on parasite dynamics and virulence.  Oecologia186(2): 555-564.

Starr, L.J. and D.J. Minchella.  2016. Learning Beyond the Classroom: Roadmap to Success. Journal of STEM Education 17:52-57.

Wijayawardena, B.K., D.J. Minchella, and J.A. DeWoody.  2016.  The influence of trematode parasite burden on gene expression in a mammalian host. BMC Genomics (2016) 17:600.

Gleichsner, A., J. Cleveland, and D.J. Minchella.  2016. One stimulus – two responses: host and parasite life history variation in response to environmental stress. Evolution  70-11: 2640-2646.

Wijayawardena, B.K., D.J. Minchella, and J.A. DeWoody.  2015. Horizontal gene transfer in schistosomes: a critical assessment.  Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 201: 57-65.

Gleichsner, A., E.A. Thiele, and D.J. Minchella.  2015.  It’s all about those bases:  the need for incorporating parasite genetic heterogeneity into the development of schistosome vaccines.  PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9: Article number: e0003805.

Wijayawardena, B.K., J.A. DeWoody, and D.J. Minchella.  2015.  The genomic proliferation of transposable elements in colonizing populations:  Schistosoma mansoni in the new world.  Genetica 143:287-298.

Gleichsner, A. and D.J. Minchella.  2014. Can host ecology and kin selection predict parasite virulence?  Parasitology 141:1018-1030.

Thiele, E.A., G. Correa-Oliveira, A. Gazzinelli, and D.J. Minchella.  2013.  Elucidating the temporal and spatial dynamics of Biomphalaria glabrata genetic diversity in three Brazilian villages. Tropical Medicine and International Health 18:1164-1173.

Wijayawardena, B.K., D.J. Minchella, and J.A. DeWoody.  2013.  Hosts, parasites, and horizontal gene transfer.  Trends in Parasitology 29:329-338.

Thiele, E.A. and D.J. Minchella.  2013.  Molecular assessment of trematode coinfection and intraspecific competition in molluscan intermediate hosts. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 187:52-59.

Xu, D., G.J. Sandland, D.J. Minchella, and Z. Feng.  2012.  Interactions among virulence, coinfection and drug resistance in a complex life cycle parasite.  Journal of Theoretical Biology 304:197-210.

Gaspar, B.J., D.J. Minchella, G.C. Weaver, L.N. Csonka, and S. M. Gardner.  2012.  Adapting to osmotic stress and the process of science.  Science 335:1590-1591.

Detwiler, J.T., A. Zajac, D.J. Minchella and L.K. Belden. 2012.  Revealing cryptic diversity in a definitive host: echinostomes in muskrats.  Journal of Parasitology 98:1148-1155.

Yiding, Y., Z. Feng, D. Xu, G. J. Sandland, and D.J. Minchella.  2012.  Evolution of host resistance to parasite infection in the snail-schistosome-human system.  Journal of Mathematical Biology 65:201-236.

Jones-Nelson, O., E.A. Thiele, and D.J. Minchella.  2011.  Transmission dynamics of two strains of Schistosoma mansoni utilizing novel intermediate and definitive hosts.  Parasitology Research 109:675-687.

Detwiler, J.T., D.H. Bos, and D.J. Minchella.  2010.  Revealing the secret lives of cryptic species: Examining the phylogenetic relationships of echinostome parasites in North America.  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55:611-620.

Gray, T.*, J.T. Detwiler, and D.J. Minchella.  2009.  Forming foci of transmission: the effects of resource utilization, species interaction, and parasitism on molluscan movement.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:1024-1031.

Bos, D.H., C. Mayfield, and D. J. Minchella.  2009.  Analysis of regulatory protease sequences identified through bioinformatic data mining of the Schistosoma mansoni genome.  BMC Genomics 2009 10:488.

Sandland, G. J., A. R. Wethington, A. V. Foster*, and D. J. Minchella.  2009.  Effects of host outcrossing on the interaction between an aquatic snail and its locally adapted parasite.  Parasitology Research 105:555-561.

Detwiler, J.T. and D.J. Minchella.  2009.  Intermediate host availability masks the strength of experimentally derived colonization patterns in echinostome trematodes.  International Journal of Parasitology 39:585-590.

Marshall, J.C., B.A. Kingbury, and D.J. Minchella.  2009.  Microsatellite variation, population structure, and bottlenecks in the threatened copperbelly water snake.  Conservation Genetics 10:465-476.

Zavodna, M., G. J. Sandland, and D. J. Minchella.  2008.  Effects of intermediate host genetic background on parasite transmission dynamics:  a case study using Schistosoma mansoniExperimental Parasitology 120:57-61.

Thiele, E. A., R. E. Sorensen, A. Gazzinelli, and D. J. Minchella.  2008.  Schistosome genetic diversity and population structuring in Minas Gerais, Brazil.  International Journal of Parasitology 38:389-399.

Zhang, P., G. J. Sandland, Z. Feng, D. Xu, and D. J. Minchella.  2007.  Evolutionary implications for interactions between multiple strains of host and parasite.  Journal of Theoretical Biology 248:225-240.

Sandland, G. J., A. V. Foster*, M. Zavodna, and D. J. Minchella.  2007.  Interplay between host genetic diversity and parasite transmission in the Biomphalaria glabrataSchistosoma mansoni system.  Parasitology Research 101:1083-1089.

Minchella, D. J.  2007.  R.E.S.P.E.C.T. – A Teaching Primer.  Journal of College Science Teaching 36:12-13.

Sandland, G. J., J. T. Detwiler, and D. J. Minchella.  2007.  Understanding ecological principles through parasitological pedagogy.  Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching:  Proceedings of the 28th Workshop/Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education 28:295-308.

Wethington, A. R., M. Zavodna, M. K. Smith*, G. Oliveira, F. Lewis, and D. J. Minchella.  2007.  Population genetic structure of Biomphalaria glabrata in a schistosomiasis-endemic region in Brazil.  Journal of Molluscan Studies 73:45-52.

Rodrigues, N. B., M. R. Silva, M. M. Pucci, D. J. Minchella, R. E. Sorensen, P. T. LoVerde, A. J. Romanha, and G. Oliveira.  2007.  Microsatellite enriched genomic libraries as a source of polymorphic loci for Schistosoma mansoniMolecular Ecology Notes 7:263-265.

Sandland, G. J., J. R. Rodgers*, and D. J. Minchella.  2007.  Interspecific antagonism and virulence in hosts exposed to multiple parasite species.  Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 96:43-47.

Sorensen, R. E., N. B. Rodrigues, G. Oliveira, A. J. Romanha, and D. J. Minchella.  2006.  Genetic filtering and optimal sampling of Schistosoma mansoni populations.  Parasitology 133:443-451.

Xu, D., J. Curtis, Z. Feng, and D. J. Minchella.  2006.  On the role of schistosome mating structure in the maintenance of resistant strains.  Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 68:209-229.

Minchella, D. J.  2005.  The role of variation in host-parasite interactions:  linking genetic demes and life history schemes.  The Journal of Parasitology 91:1246-1252.

Rodgers, J.*, G. Sandland, S. Joyce, and D. J. Minchella.  2005.  Multi-species interactions among a commensual (Chaetogaster limnaei limnaei), a parasite (Schistosoma mansoni) and an aquatic snail host (Blomphalaria glabrata).  The Journal of Parasitology 91:709-712.

Sandland, G. J. and D. J. Minchella.  2004.  Life-history plasticity in hosts (Lymnaea elodes) exposed to differing resources and parasitism.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 82:1672-1677.

Feng, Z., A. Eppert*, F. A. Milner, and D. J. Minchella.  2004.  Estimation of parameters governing the transmission dynamics of schistosomes.  Applied Mathematics Letters 17:1105-1112.

Sandland, G.J. and D. J. Minchella.  2004.  Context-dependent life-history variation in a pond snail (Lymnaea elodes) exposed to desiccation and a sterilizing parasite.  Ecoscience 11:181-186.

Stohler, R.A*., J. Curtis, and D.J. Minchella. 2004.  A comparison of microsatellite polymorphism and heterozygosity in laboratory versus field strains of Schistosoma mansoniInternational Journal of Parasitology 34:595-601.

Sandland, G. J. and D. J. Minchella.  2003.  Costs of immune defense:  an enigma wrapped in an environmental cloak?  Trends in Parasitology 19:571-574.

Rowe, C., W. Ittiprasert, C. Patterson, C. Eliff, K. Page, S. Bandoni, T. Wilke, D. J. Minchella, F. Lewis, and M. Knight.  2003.  Use of microsatellite variation and RAPD-PCR to assess genetic polymorphism in Biomphalaria glabrata snails from a single locale in a schistosomiasis endemic area.  Malacologia 45:149-166.

Sandland, G. J. and D.J. Minchella.  2003.  Effects of diet and Echinostoma revolutum infection on energy allocation patterns in juvenile Lymnaea elodes snails.  Oecologia 134:479-486.

Curtis, J., R. E., Sorensen, and D.J. Minchella.  2002.  Genetic differentiation of schistosome sub-populations:  factors associated with restriction of gene flow.  Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Parasitology – ICOPA X: 577-580.

Minchella, D.J.  2002.  Parasitism:  The Ecology and Evolution of Intimate Interactions (book review).  Animal Behaviour 63:633-634.

Curtis, J., R. E. Sorensen, and D.J. Minchella.  2002.  Schistosome genetic diversity:  the implications of population structure as detected with microsatellite markers.  Parasitology 125:S51-S59.

Eppert, A.*, F.A. Lewis, C. Grzywacz, P. Coura-Filho, I. Caldas, and D.J. Minchella.  2002.  Distribution of schistosome infections in molluscan hosts at different levels of parasite prevalence.  The Journal of Parasitology 88:232-236.

Minchella, D.J., C.W. Yazvac, R.A. Fodrea, and G. Ball.  2002.  Biology resource seminar: first aid for the first year.  The American Biology Teacher 64:284-289.

Kloos,H., C. deSouza, A. Gazzinelli,  B. Silveira, B.S.S. Filho,  P.D.C. Temba, J. Bethony, K. Page,  C. Grzywacz,  F. Lewis,  D.J. Minchella,  P.T. LoVerde, and R.O. Oliveira. 2001.  The distribution of Biomphalaria spp. in different habitats in relation to physical, biological, water contact and cognitive factors in a rural area in Minas Gerais, Brazil.  Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 96:57-66.

Curtis, J., R.E. Sorensen, L.K. Page and D.J. Minchella.  2001.  Microsatellite loci in the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni and their utility for other schistosome species.  Molecular Ecology Notes 1:143-145.

Sorensen, R.E. and D.J. Minchella.  2001.  Snail-trematode life history interactions: past trends and future directions.  Parasitology 123, S3-S18.

Curtis, J., L.A. Fraga, C.P. de Souza, R. Corrêa-Oliveira, and D.J. Minchella.  2001.  Widespread heteroplasmy in schistosomes makes a mtVNTR marker ‘nearsighted’.  The Journal of Heredity 92:248-253.

Bieberich, A.A. and D.J. Minchella.  2001.  Mitochondrial inheritance in Schistosoma mansoni: mtVNTR mutation produces noise on top of the signal.  The Journal of Parasitology 87:1011-1015.

Feng, Z., J. Curtis, and D.J. Minchella.  2001. The influence of drug treatment on the maintenance of schistosome genetic diversity.  Journal of Mathematical Biology 43:52-68

Curtis, J. and D.J. Minchella.  2000.  Schistosome population genetic structure: when clumping worms is not just splitting hairs.  Parasitology Today 16:68-71.

Drew, A.C., D.J. Minchella, L.T. King, D. Rollinson, and P.J. Brindley.  1999.  SR2 elements, non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons of the RTE-1 lineage from the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 16:1256-1269.

\Fan, J., D.J. Minchella, S.R. Day, D.P. McManus, W.U. Tiu, and P.J. Brindley.  1998.  Generation, identification, and evaluation of expressed sequence tags from different developmental stages of the Asian blood fluke Schistosoma japonicumBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 252:348-356.

Sorensen, R.E., J. Curtis, and D.J. Minchella.  1998.  Intraspecific variation in the rDNA ITS loci of 37-collar-spined echinostomes from North America:  implications for sequence-based diagnoses and phylogenetics.  The Journal of Parasitology 84:992-997.

Drew, A.C., P.J. Brindley, F.A. Lewis, Y. Liang, and D.J. Minchella. 1998.  Tandemly repeated genomic sequence demonstrates inter-and intra-strain genetic variation in the Asian blood fluke Schistosoma japonicumTropical Medicine and International Health 3:373-380.

Sorensen, R.E. and D.J. Minchella. 1998.  Parasite influences on host life history:  Echinostoma revolutum parasitism of Lymnaea elodes snails.  Oecologia 115:188-195.

Minchella, D.J. 1997.  Parasitology for the 21st Century (book review).  Quarterly Review of Biology, 72:503-504.

Minchella, D.J., R.E. Sorensen, J.A. Curtis, and A.A. Bieberich.  1997.  Molecular biology of trematodes:  approaches and applications.  Pp. 405-446 in B. Fried and T. K. Graczyk, editors.  Advances in Trematode Biology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Sorensen, R.E., I. Kanev, B. Fried, and D.J. Minchella. 1997.  The occurrence and identification of Echinostoma revolutum from North American Lymnaea elodes snails. The Journal of Parasitology 83:169-170.

Minchella, D.J., K.M. Sollenberger, C.P. deSouza, and F.A. Lewis.  1996.  Molecular epidemiology of snail-schistosome interactions.  Acta Parasitologica Turcica  (Supplement:  New Dimensions in Parasitology) 20:249-254.

Bush, A.O., J.N. Caira, D.J. Minchella, S.A. Nadler and J.R. Seed.  1995.  Parasitology Year 2000.  The Journal of Parasitology 81:835-842.

Minchella, D.J., K.M. Sollenberger, and C.P. de Souza.  1995.  Distribution of schistosome genetic diversity within molluscan intermediate hosts.  Parasitology 111:217-220.

Waser, P.M., B. Keane, S.R. Creel, L.F. Elliott, and D.J. Minchella.  1994.  Possible male coalitions in a solitary mongoose.  Animal Behaviour 47:289-294.

Minchella, D.J., F.A. Lewis, K.M. Sollenberger, and J.A. Williams*. 1994.  Genetic diversity of Schistosoma mansoni:  Quantifying strain heterogeneity using a polymorphic DNA element.  Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 68:307-313.

Cooper, L.A., C. Richards, F.A. Lewis, and D.J. Minchella.  1994.  Schistosoma mansoni:  Relationship between low fecundity and reduced susceptibility to parasite infection in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata.  Experimental Parasitology 79:21-28.

Keane, B., P.M. Waser, S.R. Creel, N.M. Creel, L.F. Elliott, and D.J. Minchella.  1994.  Subordinate reproduction in dwarf mongooses.  Animal Behaviour 47:65-75.

Minchella, D.J., A.R. Eddings*, and S.T. Neel*.  1994.  Genetic, phenotypic, and behavioral variation in North American sylvatic isolates of TrichinellaThe Journal of Parasitology 80:696-704.

Kanev, I., V. Radev, I. Vassilev, V. Dimitrov, and D.J. Minchella.  1994.  The life cycle of Echinoparyphium cinctum (Rudolphi, 1803) (Trematoda:  Echinostomatidae) with re-examination and identification of its allied species from Europe and Asia.  Helminthologia 31:73-82.

Decker, M.D., P.G. Parker, D.J. Minchella, and K.N. Rabenold.  1993.  Monogamy in black vultures:  genetic evidence from DNA fingerprinting.  Behavioral Ecology 4:29-35.

Zarlenga, D.S., F. Al-Yaman, D.J. Minchella, and G. LaRosa.  1991.  A repetitive DNA probe specific for a sylvatic strain of Trichinella spiralis that predominates in North American wildlife.  Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 48:131-138.

Minchella, D.J. and M.E. Scott.  1991.  Parasitism:  A cryptic determinant of community structure.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 6:250-254.

Rabenold P.P., K.N. Rabenold, W.H. Piper, and D. J. Minchella.  1991.  Density – dependent dispersal in social wrens:  genetic analysis using novel matriline markers.  Animal Behaviour 42:144-146.

Keane B., P.M. Waser, L. Danzl-Tauer, and D.J. Minchella.  1991.  DNA fingerprinting:  estimating background band-sharing in banner-tailed kangaroo rats.  Animal Behaviour 42:141-143.

Rabenold P.P., W.H. Piper, M.D. Decker, and D.J. Minchella.  1991.  Polymorphic minisatellite amplified on avian w chromosome.  Genome 34:489-493.

Minchella, D.J.  1990.  Current concepts in parasitology (book review).  Journal of Parasitology 76:606.

Howard, R.D. and D.J. Minchella.  1990.  Parasitism and mate competition.  Oikos 58:120-122.

Minchella, D.J., B.A. Branstetter, and K.R. Kazacos.  1989.  Molecular characterization of sylvatic isolates of Trichinella spiralisJournal of Parasitology 75:388-392.

Brown, K.M., B.K. Leathers, and D.J. Minchella.  1988.  Trematode prevalence and the population dynamics of freshwater pond snails.  American Midland Naturalist 120:289-301.

Richards, C.S. and D.J. Minchella.  1987.  Transient nonsusceptibility to Schistosoma mansoni associated with atrial amoebocytic accumulations in the snail host Biomphalaria glabrataParasitology 95:499-505.

Richards, C.S. and D.J. Minchella.  1986.  Genetic studies of biphallic Biomphalaria glabrataMalacologia 27:243-247.

Minchella, D.J., B. Leathers, K.M. Brown, and J.N. McNair.  1985.  Host and Parasite counter-adaptations:  An example from a freshwater snail.  American Naturalist 126:843-854.

LoVerde, P.T., J.T. DeWald*, and D.J. Minchella.  1985.  Further studies of genetic variation in Schistosoma mansoniJournal of Parasitology 71:732-734.

Minchella, D.J. 1985.  Host life history variation in response to parasitism.  Parasitology 90:205-216.

LoVerde, P.T., J.T. DeWald*, D.J. Minchella, S.C. Bosshardt, and R.T. Damian.  1985.  Evidence for host-induced selection in Schistosoma mansoniJournal of Parasitology 71:297-301.

Minchella, D.J. and P.T. LoVerde.  1983.  Laboratory comparison of the relative success of Biomphalaria glabrata stocks which are susceptible and insusceptible to infection with Schistosoma mansoniParasitology 86:335-344.

Minchella, D.J. and P.T. LoVerde.  1981.  A cost of increased early reproductive effort in the snail Biomphalaria glabrataAmerican Naturalist. 118:876-881.

Minchella, D.J. 1981.  Ecological aspects of host-parasite coevolution and their implications in the genetic control of schistosomiasis.  Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University.